Hi All and welcome to the first edition of Security Talk
Security is a concern for everyone whether you're in business, a home owner or renter. With
the current crime trend of armed robberies, break & enters and unlawful entry many people get
affected directly however we all get affected in the end.
How do we all get affected? Well firstly Insurance Premiums- currently the yearly cost to insure your
contents is sky rocketing to the point that a average household is paying anywhere between $1500
to $3500 per annum to which many are taking the gamble of going without.
Business Insurance Premiums are far worse however any business that has mobile security patrols
can in fact get a discount on their premiums, check with your insurer or find one that does, you can
save big $$$ .
Other ways crime affects us all is the cost of living. Simply put the more crime the more we pay for
everyday items – food, fuel entertainment just to name a few. However the worst after effect of
crime in my opinion is FEAR. People become afraid to go out, socialise, shop for the fear that their
property may be a target. This can be very unhealthy and can lead to severe depression amongst
other things. To quote the Lion King "I laugh in the face of Fear"
Until next time
Stay Safe and be Happy